Contact & Open Records Request

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3000 Conrad Lane P.O.Box 960
Burlington, Ky 41005
(859) 334-2279

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Open Records Request Information

 Section 311, 312 and 324 or Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) mandate that the public shall be provided assess to facility specific chemical inventories, safety data sheets (SDS) and local emergency response plans. This information is to be available at a location selected by the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). An individual may request the non-confidential information in a facility file by appointment.

Copies will also be made available by request. The Northern Kentucky Emergency Planning Committee may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of copying, shipping, and accrued costs for computer searches. These fees must be paid before receiving the requested materials. There will be no charge for reviewing a facility file if no copies are requested. The Northern Kentucky Emergency Planning Committee will make a good faith effort to provide the requested information within 45 days, as per 40CFR 370.21 (d).